Class: Zone


new Zone()

Roon API Transport Service: Zone
Name Type Attributes Description
zone_id string
display_name string Display Name for this zone
ouputs Array.<Output> The outputs in this zone
state 'playing' | 'paused' | 'loading' | 'stopped'
seek_position number <optional>
Current seek position for the zone
is_previous_allowed boolean Indicates whether the "previous" control is supported
is_next_allowed boolean Indicates whether the "next" control is supported
is_pause_allowed boolean Indicates whether the "pause" control is supported
is_play_allowed boolean Indicates whether the "play" control is supported
is_seek_allowed boolean Indicates whether the "seek" control is supported
settings object <optional>
The default values for parties.
Name Type Description
loop 'loop' | 'loop_one' | 'disabled' loop setting on the zone
shuffle boolean indicates whether shuffle is enabled on the zone
auto_radio boolean indicates whether auto-radio mode is enabled on the zone
now_playing object <optional>
Now-playing information for this zone, if playback is active
Name Type Attributes Description
seek_position number <optional>
Seek Position in seconds, if applicable
length number <optional>
Length of media in seconds, if applicable
image_key string <optional>
Now-playing image
one_line object Display text for one-line displays
Name Type Description
line1 object
two_line object Display text for two-line displays
Name Type Attributes Description
line1 object
line2 object <optional>
three_line object Display text for three-line displays
Name Type Attributes Description
line1 object
line2 object <optional>
line3 object <optional>