Class: Output


new Output()

Roon API Transport Service: Output
Name Type Attributes Description
output_id string
zone_id string The zone that this output is a part of
display_name string Display Name for this output
state 'playing' | 'paused' | 'loading' | 'stopped'
source_controls object <optional>
The default values for parties.
Name Type Description
display_name string Display Name for this source control
status 'selected' | 'deselected' | 'standby' | 'indeterminate'
supports_standby boolean true if this source control supports standby
volume object <optional>
This field is populated for outputs that support volume control.

Note that volume values, bounds, and step are floating point values, not integers, and that volume ranges can extend below and above zero, sometimes at the same time. Examples: This list of examples is not meant to be exhaustive--it just serves to create a sense of the range of options out there.

    { "type": "db",    "min": -80, "max": 0,   "value": -50.5, "step": 0.5 }
    { "type": "db",    "min": -80, "max": 10,  "value": 4,     "step": 1.0 }
    { "type": "number" "min": 0,   "max": 100, "value": 80,    "step": 1.0 }
    { "type": "number" "min": 1,   "max": 99,  "value": 65,    "step": 1.0 }
Name Type Attributes Description
type 'number' | 'db' | * <optional>
If you receive an unanticipated value for this, treat it like "number"
min number <optional>
The minimum value in the volume range
max number <optional>
The maximum value in the volume range
value number <optional>
The current value of the volume control
step number <optional>
The step size for the volume control, in terms of its native units
is_muted boolean <optional>
True if the zone is muted, false otherwise