Class: Item


new Item()

Roon API Browse Service: Item
Name Type Attributes Description
title string Title for this item
subtitle string <optional>
Subtitle for this item
image_key string <optional>
Image for this item.
item_key string <optional>
Pass this into a `browse` request when the user selects this item
hint string <optional>
A hint about what this item is
           Possible values include:
               * `null`                 Unknown--display item generically
               * `"action"`             This item is an action                           
               * `"action_list"`        This item will load a list of actions at the next level
               * `"list"`               This item will load a list at the next level
               * `"header"`             A display-only header with no click action

           Please make sure that your implementations allow for hints to be added in the future. If you see
           a hint that you do not recognize, treat it as a `null`

       list hint = null | action_list
       item hint = null | action | action_list | list | header
input_prompt object <optional>
If loading this item requires user input, then input_prompt will be populated.
Name Type Attributes Description
prompt string The prompt to display to the user: e.g. "Search Albums"
action string The verb that goes with this action. This should be displayed on a button adjacent to the input. e.g. "Go"
value string <optional>
If non-null, then the value should be pre-populated
is_password bool If true, then this should be displayed as a password input